- 9857046049 , 9815450333
- info@mdc.edu.np, mdcampus60@gmail.com

Dear Students and Guardians,
Its my pleasure to note that while you are going to embark on the challenging but rewarding journey of higher study, you have considered joining MDC, a QAA accredited campus in local area to ensure ‘Learn Locally, Fit Globally’. Its quality is recognized with the Quality Assurance and Accreditation (QAA) certificate by the University Grants Commission, Kathmandu, Nepal on 13 December, 2017 (AD).
MDC is a non-profit making community college. Since its establishment in 2060 B.S., it has been a leading campus in the vicinity of Sunwal area. Since there is not even a single constituent college of T.U. in this district, it has been providing quality higher education to the local students at affordable cost. A large section of its student population constitutes economically backward and marginalized communities such as Dalit, Madhesis, Tharu, Muslim, etc.
Relentless efforts of every member of MDC, and support from public and local government have enabled us to reach at the pinnacle of glory. We ensure that use of technology in teaching-learning process, peaceful academic environment, dedicated and resourceful faculty members, provision of scholarship as per scholarship directive, etc. make you feel MDC as a campus of your choice.